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Join us to develop your special/focussed/unique career along with our supportive regional team.

Being one of the largest public Speech Pathology departments in Victoria, GV Health speech pathologists work with patients from birth to end of life. With opportunities in a variety of hospital and community-based settings, there are opportunities for career growth and development, which can only be gained from well supported regional working.

Speech Pathology at GV Health is well supported through our Allied Health Education and Research Unit, for formal programs and individualised coaching to develop special interests. We are supportive of lifelong learning, and prioiritise safe, evidence based care. We encourage development into advanced practice areas including videofluoroscopy, paediatric an neonatal feeding, tracheostomy, laryngectomy, and mental health.

Our areas of Speech Pathology practice

Our acute Speech Pathology team for admitted services includes professionals ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 3, as well as Allied Health Assistants.

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Our Speech Pathology team, comprising Grades 1 to 3 Speech Pathologists and Allied Health Assistants, provides intensive speech pathology services to our hospital-based subacute rehabilitation program.

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 GV Health offers growing opportunities for Speech Pathologists to work within mental health services at our onsite hospital facilities, including roles in aged care settings and the psychiatric unit.

Paediatric Speech Pathology Services at GV Health cater to a wide range of ages and needs. These services span from the Special Care Nursery Unit and Paediatric Ward to specialist clinics for feeding, the Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service, and Community Health programs.