Home | Health Professionals | Hume Region Allied Health Education Group
The Allied Health Education Group (AHEG) provides leadership for allied health education, training and professional development in the North East and Goulburn Valley areas of Victoria
First established in 2012 following a direction from the then Hume Allied Health Leaders Council (now called the OM-G Allied Health Leaders Council), the AHEG was tasked with developing a mechanism for regional allied health education coordination.
Since 2012 the AHEG has provided opportunity for educators from rural and regional health services to collaborate and better coordinate education opportunities for the regions allied health practitioners. The AHEG has acted as the planning committee for the regional allied health conference, in addition to accessing interprofessional allied health professional development funding from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Our Purpose
The AHEG’s purpose is to coordinate allied health education, training, and professional development in the Northeast and Goulburn Valley areas. This enables us to strengthen our networks and promote a learning culture throughout our region. We make educational opportunities available to the region’s allied health practitioners by:
- Developing and promoting educational programs and resources
- Facilitating a regional allied health conference biennially
- Submitting, administering, and accessing relevant funding
- Conducting local education needs analysis at a regional level, whilst recognising international and national trends regarding the practice of allied health service delivery
- Consulting as a group and with relevant stakeholders to plan, conduct and evaluate education coordinated by the group
Participating health services
How to join
We welcome allied health educators or allied health education representatives from within the Hume region of Victoria to join the Education Committee.
If you do not qualify for membership but want to participate in the education group’s activities or have ideas about education in the area, please reach out to the committee chair(s).
For more information, or to discuss membership, please contact AHEG Chairs Megan Tankard megan.tankard@awh.org.au or Dana Sfetcopoulos dana.sfetcopoulos@gvhealth.org.au
Hume Region Allied Health Conference 2025
- Where: The Cube, Wodonga OR online
- When: 17 October 2025
- How: Hybrid model - join us in-person or online
- Contact humealliedhealth@gmail.com for any queries
- Save the date
Emergency: 000
Phone: (03) 5832 2322
Nurse on call: 1300 606 024
for non life threatening injury/illness
Student accommodation and bursary programs
Support services for Australian rural and remote allied health