Hospital Outreach Post Suicidal Engagement (HOPE)
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Hospital Outreach Post Suicidal Engagement. It is a community-based suicide prevention support program and not an acute mental health service. HOPE supports individuals with their recovery from a suicide crisis. This program is a Victorian Government initiative to reduce incidents of suicide based on the Suicide Prevention Framework 2016-2025.
Type of service provided
The HOPE team will provide intensive support in the community for a period of up to 12 weeks following a suicidal crisis.
This program aims to assist consumers who are experiencing significant psycho-social stressors due to sudden changes in their lives and having a suicidal crisis.
The team consists of psychosocial support workers with lived experience and mental health clinicians. Consumers will be assisted with their specific needs determined by the consumers individual goals. Carer and family needs will also be identified and addressed.
The team will assist to link consumers and carers to various services such as:
- Relationship counselling
- Family violence
- Employment services
- Financial counselling
- Substance Use counselling
- Housing support services
- Rumbalara
How do I access HOPE?
HOPE team is currently available from .830am to 5pm, Mon to Fri (excluding public
holidays). After hours, please contact Mental Health Triage on 1300 369 005 if the matter is urgent.
Referrals are made to HOPE by GP’s external services and other GV Health programs by contacting Mental Health Triage 1300 369 005.
13 Nixon Street
Shepparton, 3630
Emergency: 000
Mental Health Triage Service: 1300 369 005
Phone: (03) 55823 6000
Nurse on call: 1300 606 024
for non life threatening injury/illness
Phone: 1300 369 005