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Group 3

GV Health’s Medical Day Stay unit offers treatment for patients who do not require an overnight hospital admission but require intravenous medication for medical conditions, venesections, blood transfusions and other specialist medical treatment requiring a day admission.

Patients are only admitted for the length of treatment and required monitoring time, then discharged home the same day.

The Medical Day Stay unit is located with the Transit Lounge near the hospital’s main entrance. The Transit Lounge is available for discharged patients waiting to go home, to their next appointment or for a script to be filled.

Both the Medical Day Stay unit and Transit Lounge are staffed by a dedicated nursing team. Light refreshments are available.

How do I access GV Health’s Medical Day Stay unit?

Admission to the Medical Day Stay unit is via referral only. To arrange a referral, please speak to your General Practitioner (GP) or specialist.