Celebrating our allied health professionals

Allied health professionals are an integral and valued part of the health care team. They work across the health and social care sectors and cover a wide range of patient care aspects. Allied Health Professionals Day is an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the work they love doing and their contribution to the health and
Floods and Your Health
The recent flooding events have impacted many areas and flooded homes, businesses and farms, as well as cutting off access to some areas leading to people being isolated. The floodwater can make it harder to stay healthy and safe, but there is help, further information and advice available. You can stay safe, healthy and well
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
GV Health’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides specialist mental health treatment and care to children and adolescents up to 18 years of age. CAMHS can provide access to services to assess, treat and assist those with moderate to severe and complex mental health problems and disorders. CAMHS can also assist those with
Adult Mental Health Service
Goulburn Valley Area Mental Health Service provides an innovative range of services for individuals suffering from, or at risk of, serious mental health problems requiring short and long-term treatment and support. An inpatient service is located on the GV Health Campus in Shepparton. Community services are available to provide assessment, acute care and case management
Having your Baby at GV Health
You’ve found out you are pregnant. What do you do now? Firstly, we would like to congratulate you on your pregnancy. Pregnancy can be both an exciting and a daunting time for you and your loved ones. The maternity team at GV Health is here to guide and support you through every step of this
Sexual Health Clinic
GV Health’s Meryula Clinic is a free and confidential sexual and reproductive health service. The clinic offers clients of all ages a safe setting in which to discuss sexual health concerns and receive specialist sexual and reproductive health care. The clinic is staffed by nurse practitioners experienced registered nurses who have specialised training in sexual
Health Coaching
Do you have a long-term health condition? Are you finding it hard to make changes in your life? Would you like to increase your knowledge and skills to manage your health? Need a supportive health worker to guide and motivate you? GV Health’s health coaches can help you. What can I expect from my health
Your Healthcare Rights
GV Health recognises that patients receiving healthcare and staff providing healthcare all have important parts to play in achieving healthcare rights. GV Health adopts the principles and healthcare rights outlined in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights which allows patients, consumers, families, carers and services providing care to share an understanding of the rights of
Benefits of Working at GV Health
While working at our busy, regional health service, you’ll be exposed to challenging and stimulating work. The breadth and diversity of the services and clinics offered at GV Health provides extensive variety in roles, from entry level through to advanced practice, across a range of emergency, acute, subacute and community settings. Whether it’s complex clinical
Mental Health Careers
Current Vacancies https://youtu.be/W2v1I9bTX0g Welcome to GV Health, where your career and lifestyle come together GV Health is the main healthcare provider in the Goulburn Valley region, servicing a broad catchment area of approximately 150,000 people. We are the largest permanent employer in the region with over 3,000 employees spread across our five main sites.