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Group 3

Warm Water Immersion for Labour & Birth

GV Health offers warm water immersion for labour and birth, also known as water birth. Water is a natural alternative to medicalised pain relief and has many documented benefits. These include: Provides significant pain relief Decreases the need for an epidural Increased satisfaction and emotional well-being. Greater sense of control in labour Provides a feeling of weightlessness

Professor Erwin Loh

Professor Erwin Loh CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER MBBS, LLB(Hons), MBA, MHSM, PhD, FAIM, FCMI, FAICD, FACLM, FCHSM, FRACMA Professor Erwin Loh is President Elect of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators and Chief Medical Officer at Goulburn Valley Health, a public regional health service in Victoria. Prior to that, he was national Chief Medical Officer

Tim Cannon

Tim Cannon Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Tim Cannon leads the strategic engagement and corporate governance functions of the organisation, including government and stakeholder relations, Board governance, legal, communications, strategy, and the GV Health Foundation. Mr Cannon holds a Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) from Monash University and a Bachelor of Commerce from Sydney University, with

Service Recognition Awards

A total of 327 GV Health staff were recently recognised for reaching service milestones – from five years up to 45 years. Staff who had reached milestones of 25 years and above were invited to attend service recognition ceremonies. Many staff receiving awards reflected on the connections they have made with their colleagues and the

Victoria’s Public Fertility Care Service

GV Health now offers access to comprehensive, world-class fertility treatment including genetic counselling, fertility preservation, fertility assessment, and treatment. This free service is available to individuals and couples of all genders who: Who have been trying to conceive naturally but have been unsuccessful, and/or Whose situation or health may prevent or impair fertility or safe


Current Vacancies The next step to grow in your Allied Health profession, where your Career and Lifestyle come together. Centrally located in Victoria, Australia our region offers the charm of a rural lifestyle combined with all the big city facilities, only 2 hours from the city of Melbourne. A move to Shepparton in the

Express Your Interest

Welcome to GV Health, where your career and lifestyle come together. Our talented team consists of more than 3000 people from all walks of life. We work with purpose and pride and are committed to respecting and embracing diversity, inclusion and accessibility of our people and our community. Greater Shepparton offers the charm of a

Consumers and Carers Monthly Newsletter

January 2024 Consumer and Carer Advisory Council Newsletter – Jan 2024 December 2023 Consumer and Carer Advisory Council Newsletter – Dec 2023 November 2023 Consumer and Carer Advisory Council Newsletter – Nov 2023 October 2023 Consumer and Carer Advisory Council Newsletter – Oct 2023 September 2023 Consumer and Carer Advisory Council Newsletter – Sept 2023

Child Safety and Wellbeing

Commitment to Child Safety GV Health is a Child Safe Organisation and adopts zero tolerance to child abuse and neglect. The safety, protection and wellbeing of all children and young people (including patients, patient siblings, children of adult patients and visitors) attending GV Health or obtaining care from a GV Health program or service, including those provided in

Tai Chi for Beginners

Tai Chi for Beginners is a series of gentle, slow, controlled movements or postures combined with mindful breathing techniques aimed at relaxing the mind and body. People of all ages and abilities can gain health benefits as the movements are modified for chronic health conditions, and are gentle and non-competitive. Sessions are conducted once per