Clinical Diagnostic Unit
GV Health’s Clinical Diagnostic Unit offers a broad range of diagnostic tests. We offer non-invasive diagnostic testing which includes: Cardiac Electrocardiogram (ECG) Holter Monitor Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor Echocardiogram (TTE) Exercise ECG Stress Test Exercise Stress Echocardiogram Pacemaker / Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator interrogation Neurological Electroencephalogram (EEG) Sleep-deprived Electroencephalogram The Clinical Diagnostics Unit is open Monday
Medical Unit
GV Health’s acute medical unit provides care for adults with a variety of medical conditions. The unit is serviced by a dedicated multidisciplinary team to provide holistic, compassionate care for all patients. The team consists of consultants, registrars, interns, nurses, patient liason nurses, health assistants, health care workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, dietitians and
Medical Day Stay
GV Health’s Medical Day Stay unit offers treatment for patients who do not require an overnight hospital admission but require intravenous medication for medical conditions, venesections, blood transfusions and other specialist medical treatment requiring a day admission. Patients are only admitted for the length of treatment and required monitoring time, then discharged home the same
Mary Coram
The Mary Coram Unit is a combined inpatient rehabilitation, geriatric evaluation and management and palliative care unit, located at GV Health’s Graham Street campus. The unit is serviced by a dedicated multidisciplinary team consisting of consultants, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, dietitians, diversional therapy and social workers. In conjunction with their treating specialist, patients
Critical Care Unit
GV Health’s Critical Care Unit (CCU) provides care for patients who are seriously ill and require significant therapeutic intervention and support. Critical care patients usually fit into one of the following categories: Patients at high risk of deterioration admitted for intensive monitoring Patients admitted to intensive care post-surgery Patients who require very intense nursing care
Emergency Department
In an emergency, please call 000 Our emergency department has been experiencing high demand. Our staff are working hard to attend to patients as quickly as possible, priotitising life threatening emergencies. We ask that community members only come to the Emergency Department for conditions that are urgent or life threatening. The Victorian Virtual Emergency Department
Day of Surgical Admissions
GV Health’s Day of Surgery Admissions (DOSA) unit admits all patients for theatre and provides pre-operative care for a range of surgical specialty patients and post-operative care for day patients. DOSA is a visitor free ward. This allows us to provide privacy for all patients. If you have special needs that require your carer to
Paediatric Outpatient Services
Paediatric outpatient clinics are run weekdays in the consulting rooms at our Graham Street campus. Children are seen by paediatricians, paediatric registrars or junior medical officers, a paediatric clinical nurse specialist or a relevant specialist. GV Health offers a shared care oncology clinic run in collaboration with the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. A medical
Child and Adolescent Unit Our Child and Adolescent Unit provides care for children from early infancy through to adolescence. A range of community care services are available for children requiring further care after discharge. GV Health staff are committed to providing family-centred, individualised care. Families are encouraged to make choices and participate in planning relating to their child’s care.
Movement Disorder Clinic
GV Health’s Movement Disorder Clinic assists with the diagnosis and management of clients who are affected by a movement disorder, including Progressive Neurological Disease (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, Essential Tremor). Who is the Movement Disorder Clinic available to? GV Health’s Movement Disorder Clinic is available to all people in the community, via referral. How do I